Give donations and humanitarian aid to communities living in Malaysia
Organize various programs promoting healthy lifestyles for adolescents and youth
Organize training workshops to improve livelihood of individuals and communities.
This program is organized by Technical Department of TV3. MCCF participated in 34 JCM events throughout Malay Peninsular.
There are about 400 to 700 participants during each events,
MCCF donate food stuff such as Cooking Oil, Rice, Salt and Flour to at least 100 needy households at each area.
At each Jom Cuci Masjid Community Program, there were several activities for Volunteers – Dhuha Prayers, Talks on Community Values, spring cleaning of mosques’ facilities, repainting of mosque fences & walls, cleaning of nearby cemeteries as well as distribution of foodstuff and other donations. Every location gets TV3’s MHI broadcast coverage – a popular TV morning show..
MCCF organizes small group training programs for Youth and Women sponsored by individuals, organizations and agencies. Most trainings are about Self-Reflection & Awareness, Volunteerism, Security, Stress Management, Image, Small Business Planning and Taxation.
MCCF & Wisee One Solution organize charity programs in the Northern Malay Peninsular in Pulau Pinang, Kedah, Perak dan Perlis.
We donated basic food stuff to 500 families affected by COVID Movement Control Order. During Ramadan, we provided lunch for non-Muslims and breaking fast meals for Muslims. We also donated ready meals to enforcement agency workers during the Movement Control Order.
This program were sponsored by individuals and corporations.
The MCCF Volunteer Squad joined by SOVOKL, KRT Taman Melewar and Gombak Outdoors went down to Kampung Chegar Medang, Benus, Bentong, Pahang.
This initiative is done to alleviate the burden of the community as well as the community that needs energy assistance in cleaning the houses affected by the mud floods. MCCF welcomed the help of volunteers regardless of race and religion to continue to move the program to other areas on a weekly basis.
Donations of money, household items and cleaning equipment are also very much needed from philanthropists out there for us to continue to help flood victims in need.
MCCF collaborates with other organizations to organize programs with Rohingya community. Among the NGO involves were Artistes Association of Malaysia (SENIMAN), Kasih Tauhid Foundation, Malaysian Consultative Council for Islamic Organisation (MAPIM) and others.
The main purpose is to raise awareness of Malaysians on the sufferings of the Rohingya community through tour and educational programs such as ‘World Solidarity Day 4 Rohingya’ and ‘Back To School’.
MCCF worked closely with Setiawangsa Parliament Office to provide charity to the poor during the holy months of Rejab, Syaaban and Ramadan. We selected the poor from 6 public housing within Setiawangsa, namely Desa Rejang, Seri Semarak, Sg Bonus, Air Panas, Setapak Jaya 1A dan Setapak Jaya 1B. About 1,600 received free meals.
MCCF menjalankan program Pembangunan Sosio-Ekonomi di dalam Komuniti untuk membina Kemakmuran Hidup, Memperkukuh Perpaduan dan Memelihara Keamanan.
MCCF organizes Socio-Economic Development Programs in Communities to enable growth in Prosperity, to strengthen Unity and to maintain Peace.