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Donate & Spread Happiness

Your Donations Will Help Thousands Of People

MCCF relies on donations to organize and implement community programs. We have helped more than 50,000 people across Malaysia. 

With your contributions, MCCF can organize many more programs.

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Hubungi Kami / Contact Us

Tel : +603-61786095

Malaysian Community Care Foundation

15B, Aras 2, Jalan SG 3/15

Taman Sri Gombak

68100 Batu Caves, Selangor

Misi Kami

MCCF menjalankan program Pembangunan Sosio-Ekonomi di dalam Komuniti untuk membina Kemakmuran Hidup, Memperkukuh Perpaduan dan Memelihara Keamanan.

Our Mission

MCCF organizes Socio-Economic Development Programs in Communities to enable growth in Prosperity, to strengthen Unity and to maintain Peace.

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